K9 Waste Removal
Omaha's Best Pooper Scoopers and Lawn Care Business!
Tired of fighting over
who's turn it is to
clean up the yard?
Stop fighting over who has to doo the dirty work! Let EntreManure K9 Waste Removal pick up where your dog left off. We've been helping the Omaha and surrounding areas clean up their yards since 1999. Offering weekly and twice weekly service.

Enjoy the freedom and relief from doing such a smelly chore!
No more nasty odors in your yard!
Time available to spend on more pleasant activities like family!
Removes most chances of salmonella, rodents, rats, tape, round and hook worms!
Enjoy a cleaner yard!
Mobile service is fast, friendly, timely and reliable!
Appealing barefoot lawns!
No more disagreements on who will do-do the dirty work!
Uncollected feces contribute to water pollution!
Encourage others to try us and receive a FREE week of cleaning.